General information

Title: Changes in the technology and tools for forest operations
Theme: Timber-cutting
Teaching level: Primary
Discipline: Social Science

General learning results:
- Organization of social occupancy of territory.

- Changes in social organization of the territory.

- Diversity of social types on the territory.

Transdisciplinary learning results:
- Communication
- Use of ICT
- Critical and creative thinking
- Knowledge, skills, and attitudes
- Culture and heritage
- Problem solving

Specific learning results:
Organization: Describe the particularities of the regional natural environment.
Changes: Compare the social organization of the territory in the past with the present situation.
Diversity: Name the similarities and the differences between our region and other regions of New Brunswick.

Technical skills and education to citizenship:
- To express one’s viewpoint in communicating with other students in the classroom.

- Compare one’s viewpoint with that of other students.

- Use a vocabulary associated with the concepts of time, territory and society.

- Indicate on a timeline the events that resulted in changes in the social setting of the region in the last century.

Teaching preparation

Proposed task:
Changes :
The teacher invites a resource person to explain and illustrate to the students changes that happened in the forest harvesting techniques in our region in the last century. That resource person will bring students to discover and compare changes that happened in lumbermen’s job in the last century...

Technical skills and education to citizenship :
Following the visit of the resource person, student are called upon to share what they learned by drawing a timeline showing the various techniques used in wood harvesting during the past one hundred years.

- English
- Math
- Art
- Personal social growth

- Photo display showing various tools and equipment used in the felling of trees.
Access sites on the internet where such information is available. (For example: The Fraser companies limited archives available on the site
Documentation written in English is also available on the Website for the teacher’s preparation.

- Website : Toucher du bois : Textes pour la mise en situation
- Websites available :

Resource person(s):
A local lumberman

Learning preparation

Proposed approach:
- Accessing the Website Toucher du, gather pertinent information from the document entitled – The Madawaska Forest Industry – . These sources will give the student a perspective on the life of the lumberman or logger and will allow them to prepare questions to be asked to the resource person and make his visit worthwhile.

- Arrange a slide show from the photos available on the referred Website so as to demonstrate to students and allow them to discover the different techniques of wood harvesting, the evolution in the techniques and equipment used in the logging operations over the years.

- Invite a lumberman to explain or give more information on the content of the photos.

- The guest could explain the following elements : different sizes of trees (then and now), techniques and tools of the trade illustrated in the slide show or more, evolution of the role of the lumberman facing new technology and living conditions of the lumberman then and now.

3rd grade - local
4th grade - province
5th grade - Maritimes


Learning realisation

Proposed approach:
- Set-up work teams to prepare a summary of the learning outcomes.
-Teams are set-up to cover 10 years each ( from 1900 to nowadays)
Each team will discover and note ten elements pertaining to the period covered.

- Explain different types of diagrams or charts used to summarize and illustrate the information. (spider definition organizer, graphic organizer, etc.)

Working in teams, they write down :

1- The various wood harvesting techniques used and the years they were in use.

2- The different machines used to cut wood in the forests and the changes in the wood cutting technology.

Presentations : Each group share results of findings orally.

- Make a comment on the job of the lumberman.
- What new information did you learn in this workshop?
- How many similarities and differences did you notice in the work or techniques of wood cutting in the past and today?
- What do you think of these changes?

Learning integration

Proposed approach:
- Place on a timeline the gathered information.

- Find and collect photos on the internet to support your findings. Each team sets up a slide show that illustrates the evolution or changes that happened during the period studied by each group.

- Compare our region with another region of New Brunswick to discover if the logging industry is as important in other parts of the province as it is in our region (the Counties of Madawaska, Restigouche and Victoria).

- Do you think that the forest industry is equally important in all parts of New Brunswick?

- In those other regions of the province do we find the same tools and equipment in the forest operations?