Canadian Heritage

Thematic Collections

Autonomous Boiler for the Thermal Plant at the Edmundston Fraser Pulp Mill
Construction of the Primary Pump Building at the Edmundston Fraser Mill
Aerial View of the Edmundston  Fraser Mill in 1965
Aerial View of the Edmundston Fraser Mill in 1970
The Edmundston Fraser Mill
The Edmundston Fraser Pulp Mill in 1970
Electrical Distribution Facility in the Primary Pump Room of the Edmundston Fraser Mill
Reservoir in the Primary Pump Building at the Edmundston Fraser Mill
Installation of Pipes Linking the Clarifier to the Iroquois Retention Basin
Liquid Waste Transported on Conveyor Toward the Iroquois Retention Basin
Pipes Installed for the Transfer of Liquid Waste to the Retention Basin of Iroquois
Pipes for Transporting Liquid Waste to the Iroquois Retention Basin
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